Thursday, July 26, 2012


July 1, 2012
MORRO BAY CA, the Gibraltar of the Pacific.

The town's most striking feature is Morro Rock, a 576 foot high volcanic peak jutting
from the ocean floor. It is part of a 21 million year old chain of such rocks nicknamed "the nine sisters".
Morro Rock stands at the entrance to the harbor, and a causeway connects it with the shore.
There is no public access to the rock itself because it is a reserve for the locally endangered peregrine falcon

Morro Rock in the fog

The Morro Bay Power Plant, with its three towering smokestacks, has been a landmark in the city since the 1950s,  affectionately referred to as "the three cigarettes".

Snowy Egret

Giant Green Anemone, not that "giant" but cool none the less.

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